George Nicolson were pleased to be awarded the external decoration package to 1-4 Caithness Place, Edinburgh through James Gibb Residential Factors.
Within these four blocks, works encompassed the preparation and decoration of the communal timber lined entrance ceilings, doors, frame, screens and handrails. In addition, our operatives completed works to the communal window frames/sills, rhones, pipes, metal handrails, perimeter fencing, timber gates, bin store doors/posts, fascias, soffits and the garage blocks which included 24 doors.
Our onsite operatives liaised with the residents direct to complete the decoration of the private flat window frames and sills concurrently with the communal works.
Whilst low level decoration works were carried out by working off ladders, our trained operatives were required to use powered access equipment to enable them to work safely when undertaking the works to the high level areas.